Days 8 and 9- I’m the energizer bunny that seems to need re-charging

We’re on tail-end of Week 2 of our COVID19 experience with the four kids here.  I’m still going but I feel like I’m starting to run low on batteries at this point.  I’m actually starting to feel more like the wind-up little chicks that a lot of us had as children.  Every day I windContinueContinue reading “Days 8 and 9- I’m the energizer bunny that seems to need re-charging”

Blueberry Crumble Pie with Shortbread Crust

I love blueberries….any way you fix them. Growing up, my Grammy made a lot of blueberry muffins, blueberry cobblers, and, occasionally, a blueberry pie. For quite a few summers in a row, one of my Uncle Mo’s good friends provided a steady supply of fresh blueberries.  Grammy always froze them and we had (almost) freshContinueContinue reading “Blueberry Crumble Pie with Shortbread Crust”

Snacking Healthy: Salted Chocolate Coconut DeLight

My adventure on Noom and my new healthy lifestyle continues. (if I was saying this out loud I would’ve used air quotes around healthy lifestyle) And as I continue to Noom right along, I’m learning how to better use my very limited calories to the ensure I’m satisfied from not only a hunger standpoint butContinueContinue reading “Snacking Healthy: Salted Chocolate Coconut DeLight”

Hippity Hop-pity, Easter’s on It’s Way: Easter Bunny Garden with Peeps

My Mom always sang us the “Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail” song around this time. And, between her and Grammy, we were sure to have plenty of candy, including Peeps! I honestly don’t think you can have Easter without these sugary, marshmallowy, packages of cuteness. Yesterday, I needed to make a run for some labelsContinueContinue reading “Hippity Hop-pity, Easter’s on It’s Way: Easter Bunny Garden with Peeps”

Sweet Sunday: Anna’s Got Cookies

Anna has her cookies and has been selling them all weekend. I’m a little partial but I think she’s the cutest Daisy ever. I mean, really how could you say no to this face?!? We’ve really had such a fun time and got to enjoy a girls night together on Friday night since the boysContinueContinue reading “Sweet Sunday: Anna’s Got Cookies”

Photo Friday: I’m an Auntie

I actually don’t remember whether I’ve blogged about my new niece or not but she is an absolute doll. I got to see her again last weekend before the Odom family made their way back up North. She was baptized at my parents’ church over the weekend. Unfortunately, Kate had some disgusting bug causing herContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: I’m an Auntie”

What’s Your Favorite Flavor?

Tomorrow morning, I’ll officially be a “cookie mom.”  You know, the crazy ladies dragging their little girls around selling those addicting little round morsels of joy???  For those of you don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m speaking of the ever-popular Girl Scout Cookies. That’s right, folks.  Cookie Season officially kicks off tomorrow. And, glutten-for-punishmentContinueContinue reading “What’s Your Favorite Flavor?”

Photo Friday: Sweet Holiday Memories with Sugar Cookies

A couple of weekends back, the kids helped me to make Christmas cookies. We had such a good time, even if my kitchen became a disaster zone and the control freak, perfectionist side of me struggled to let them decorate them however they wanted. Garen caught a few good photos of us in action. Yes,ContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Sweet Holiday Memories with Sugar Cookies”

Sweet Saturday: Salted Carmel Pretzel Brownies

Today I’m gearing up for Nacho Night. More on that in a separate blog. I had some boxes of Hershey’s Triple Chocolate Brownie mix that have been calling to me. Judge me if you must but if you’ve not tried this mix, found at Sam’s Club, you are missing out. They’re super easy and everyContinueContinue reading “Sweet Saturday: Salted Carmel Pretzel Brownies”

Photo Friday: Mom’s 60th

My sweet Momma is 60 today! I know, I know…she totally doesn’t look (or act) that old. Last Saturday night we managed to pull off a major surprise Fiesta for her. I’m still not quite sure how we did it without someone spoiling the surprise but somehow we did…and it was GREAT! Here’s a fewContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Mom’s 60th”