Week 3 COVID 19 “Plan”

I use “plan” with quotations because if I’ve learned anything over these last two weeks that anything and everything we plan could (and probably will) change- from what time kids Zoom meetings are, to whether everyone is feeling up to learning more in the morning or afternoon, whether we will get pulled into a lastContinueContinue reading “Week 3 COVID 19 “Plan””

COVID-19 Homeschool Curriculum/Checklist for Pre-K, 3rd, and 5th Grade- Week 2

My goodness, how fast things are changing in our world.  Minute by minute you hear more updates.  However, what hasn’t really changed that much is what we’re doing here at our house.  We’ve still been reading, playing games, jumping on the trampoline, and cooking some amazing meals. I honestly meant to get this done earlierContinueContinue reading “COVID-19 Homeschool Curriculum/Checklist for Pre-K, 3rd, and 5th Grade- Week 2”

Blueberry Crumble Pie with Shortbread Crust

I love blueberries….any way you fix them. Growing up, my Grammy made a lot of blueberry muffins, blueberry cobblers, and, occasionally, a blueberry pie. For quite a few summers in a row, one of my Uncle Mo’s good friends provided a steady supply of fresh blueberries.  Grammy always froze them and we had (almost) freshContinueContinue reading “Blueberry Crumble Pie with Shortbread Crust”

Photo Friday: Liz VS. Granite Counter-top

Liz VS Granite Counter-top. Spoiler alert: the counter-top won. I know that technically it’s Saturday but the internet gods were mad at me and wouldn’t upload it last night.  It is what it is. Two days before we left for our family vacation, I was delivering some tools to of my best and biggest customer’s offices.ContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Liz VS. Granite Counter-top”

Solution Sunday: You’re Grounded Chore Chart

In the words of my Grammy, “I don’t want to sound like I’m airing my dirty laundry,” but we’ve been having some behavior issues around here and problems not minding the first time, etc., etc., etc…. And a while back I saw a few Pinterest posts that had some ideas for grounding, including a “Congratulations,ContinueContinue reading “Solution Sunday: You’re Grounded Chore Chart”

Mommy Review Monday: Faster Than Normal- how to use your ADHD super powers

I’ve never been diagnosed as ADHD, however, I’m pretty sure I’ve got it.  For example, this is the third time I’ve started and stopped writing this blog and I’m only two sentences in. Or another example:  I’m having a serious conversation about school and discipline with a friend about grounding from TV. I go fromContinueContinue reading “Mommy Review Monday: Faster Than Normal- how to use your ADHD super powers”

Adventures with Four: So Much for Cheap Entertainment 

Remember by post from yesterday? Well, to refresh your memory, the kids all happily played in and with laundry baskets and blankets yesterday morning, keeping them occupied for a solid 30 minutes. And I had the gall to brag about it.  A few hours later, as I was getting lunch ready, I overhead Anna askContinueContinue reading “Adventures with Four: So Much for Cheap Entertainment “