Week 3 COVID 19 “Plan”

I use “plan” with quotations because if I’ve learned anything over these last two weeks that anything and everything we plan could (and probably will) change- from what time kids Zoom meetings are, to whether everyone is feeling up to learning more in the morning or afternoon, whether we will get pulled into a last minute conference call for work, and the list goes on.  Still, we’re both super fortunate our companies are both considered “essential” industries and that we’re able to work with our kids on their work.

I realize that for many folks, my planning may seem like over-kill.  I totally get that.  For me, it’s a comfort and way to stay sane (Garen calls me border-line OCD).  I have no control over anything else that is going on.  But I do have a small amount of control over what we plan for our kids.

Now, are we doing all of what we’ve planned out?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  As I said in one of my other posts, I plan more than we can actually get to and we pick the things that are (A) most important and (B) kids feel like doing without an epic meltdown.

I realize some of the previous points I’ve made before might’ve sounded overly negative in some ways also but we really are having a lot of good times along with the stress.  If you’re home with your kids, working or not, I’m sure you understand what I’m talking about by the highs and lows we all are experiencing, kids and parents alike.

So, with that all out of the way, here’s what I’ve “planned” for the upcoming week for each of the levels we’ve got and what I’m most excited about for them.  As you’ll see, this week’s theme is Weather.

Highlighted Activities for Week 3:

May everyone have a healthy, safe, and happy week!

Published by Liz

Crazy busy wife, mother of four kids and a cat, employee, friend, amateur chef, and wanna-be crafty person who often times is running around like a chicken with his head cut off.

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