COVID-19 Our Education at Home Week 4, including Easter Photos to make you smile

If you’d asked me 2 months ago if I’d be at home with my kids EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. for 4 glorious weeks, I probably would’ve laughed at you.  But here I am, rocking it. And if you believe that, you’ll also probably believe me when I say that I’ve been working out everyday and that I amContinueContinue reading “COVID-19 Our Education at Home Week 4, including Easter Photos to make you smile”

Week 3 COVID 19 “Plan”

I use “plan” with quotations because if I’ve learned anything over these last two weeks that anything and everything we plan could (and probably will) change- from what time kids Zoom meetings are, to whether everyone is feeling up to learning more in the morning or afternoon, whether we will get pulled into a lastContinueContinue reading “Week 3 COVID 19 “Plan””

Days 6 & 7: COVID-19 Whatever You Call This Time at Home with Kids

I’ve been calling what we were/are doing with our kids homeschool. I get it that it’s not homeschool because what homeschool parents do is way cooler than anything I’m coming up with and includes field trips (although digital field trips now abound). So, whatever it is we’re doing, we’re all doing the best we canContinueContinue reading “Days 6 & 7: COVID-19 Whatever You Call This Time at Home with Kids”

Day 2: COVID-19 Birthday and St Patty’s Day at Home

Day 2 was harder.  Am I the only one that felt like Day 2 was like 2 weeks in?!?  Seems like the days are super long but also fly by at the same time.  I’m finding it’s such a hard balance to work and not feel guilty for giving the offspring my attention when IContinueContinue reading “Day 2: COVID-19 Birthday and St Patty’s Day at Home”

Day 1: COVID-19 Homeschool Begins

We survived Day 1.  Or at least until 5:45ish, which is when I had a few minutes while the kids play happily (for the most part) and Garen is cooking dinner.  You may have missed my post from yesterday about our COVID-19 schedule.  Since I posted that, I’ve seen a lot of posts joking aboutContinueContinue reading “Day 1: COVID-19 Homeschool Begins”

Crafting with Will: Origami Hat/Boat/Snapper

Will woke up this morning and immediately started making Origami. He is super crafty like that….especially when grounded from electronics. Funny how that works. I asked asked him if he wanted to make a video to show others how to do his current favorite project and he was all about it! I think he didContinueContinue reading “Crafting with Will: Origami Hat/Boat/Snapper”

Chalkboard Quotes: Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today

A few years back, right after we moved into this house, my sweet mother-in-law gave us this frame. It was another color and didn’t have anything behind it. We debated between using it to hang wreaths or other stuff in it or get a large picture printed for it. But I had wanted a bigContinueContinue reading “Chalkboard Quotes: Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today”

Hippity Hop-pity, Easter’s on It’s Way: Easter Bunny Garden with Peeps

My Mom always sang us the “Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail” song around this time. And, between her and Grammy, we were sure to have plenty of candy, including Peeps! I honestly don’t think you can have Easter without these sugary, marshmallowy, packages of cuteness. Yesterday, I needed to make a run for some labelsContinueContinue reading “Hippity Hop-pity, Easter’s on It’s Way: Easter Bunny Garden with Peeps”

Photo Friday: Sweet Holiday Memories with Sugar Cookies

A couple of weekends back, the kids helped me to make Christmas cookies. We had such a good time, even if my kitchen became a disaster zone and the control freak, perfectionist side of me struggled to let them decorate them however they wanted. Garen caught a few good photos of us in action. Yes,ContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Sweet Holiday Memories with Sugar Cookies”

Spooky Saturday

We love Halloween in our family….and not just because Clara and Kate’s birthday is on October 31st. Although it does make for an easy party theme. We like to decorate the house with lots of spooky stuff. We didn’t go all out this year because we’ve been so busy lately but here’s a few highlightsContinueContinue reading “Spooky Saturday”