Kitchen Challenge Day 5: Cook Something with Fruit In It

It’s Saturday and hopefully your week has slowed down now like mine has. I slept a little later, although sleeping late is still about 7:30 or 8 since the littles don’t get the concept yet. I’ll take what I can get. It’s been a great slow day with a nice rain/hail shower to go alongContinueContinue reading “Kitchen Challenge Day 5: Cook Something with Fruit In It”

Kitchen Challenge Day 2: Use the can or box of food in your pantry that is oldest, but not expired

Like I said yesterday, I’m trying to “think outside the box” as we cook (almost) every meal at our house for the next couple of weeks. Check out Day 1’s post and what I made. Today’s kitchen challenge: Use the can or box of food in your pantry that’s oldest but not expired Let meContinueContinue reading “Kitchen Challenge Day 2: Use the can or box of food in your pantry that is oldest, but not expired”

Venison Stroganoff

Yesterday afternoon I had a nice little cat nap, which was fantastic. But then it was already time for dinner. And what was I going to make? That never happens, right?!? I’d already thawed some of the ground deer meat in preparation for prepping a few meals tomorrow so I threw a pound into aContinueContinue reading “Venison Stroganoff”

Instant Pot Veggie Soup with Venison

If you hate the idea of hunting, please don’t read any further but, please know we do shoot things to eat vs. killing just for fun. With that out of the way, I’m happy to say that Garen killed a deer this year. It had been a few years and my freezer was jonesing forContinueContinue reading “Instant Pot Veggie Soup with Venison”

Photo Friday: Independence Day 2018

We celebrated Independence Day this year with a shrimp boil at Aunt Haley’s House with the Graves family, minus Will and Anna, who were at Joe Daddy’s house for the holiday. Aunt Haley had a sprinkler going, fully loaded bubble guns, and poppers (since we’re in a burn ban, plus two year olds and realContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Independence Day 2018”

Sprinkler Saturday

What do you do when it’s hot outside and you need to keep the troops entertained??? Go outside and play in the sprinkler!!! And Garen got out his fancy lenses to capture a few quick photos. I think they turned out pretty cool, don’t you?!?

Mommy Review Monday: Member’s Mark 14 Inch Non-Stick Fry Pan

I love my Member’s Mark 14 Inch Non-Stick Fry Pan. I bought my first one about 10 years ago from Sam’s Club. In the last year or two it hasn’t been sitting evenly on my stove-top. I believe, between Garen and I, one of us probably washed it before it was completely cool, causing itContinueContinue reading “Mommy Review Monday: Member’s Mark 14 Inch Non-Stick Fry Pan”

You gonna eat yo cornbread??? Best. Cornbread. Ever.

Every time I cook cornbread, Garen and I have a little giggle over the quote “You gonna eat yo cornbead?” from the movie “Life” with Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence. Yes, I am ALWAYS going to eat my cornbread.  Every. Time. Especially if it’s the sweet kind.  I found this wonderfully tasty and easy recipeContinueContinue reading “You gonna eat yo cornbread??? Best. Cornbread. Ever.”

Brunswick Stew- Instant Pot Style

This recipe was Garen’s request for me to make in the Instant Pot so it was the first recipe that required more than 3 ingredients. I was a little leery since I’d never had Brunswick Stew and didn’t even know what to expect. As I always do when cooking something I don’t have a go-toContinueContinue reading “Brunswick Stew- Instant Pot Style”