Kitchen Challenge Day 5: Cook Something with Fruit In It

It’s Saturday and hopefully your week has slowed down now like mine has. I slept a little later, although sleeping late is still about 7:30 or 8 since the littles don’t get the concept yet. I’ll take what I can get. It’s been a great slow day with a nice rain/hail shower to go along with our biscuits and gravy breakfast.

Today’s Day 5 Kitchen Challenge is:

Cook something that has fruit in it

With the grocery madness that’s going on, you might not have any fresh fruit. Canned fruit is good too! I can think of lots of good recipes my Grammy used to make from fruit in the pantry.

I happen to have some very ripe bananas (they came to us very ripe already) and we just haven’t eaten them as fast as I imagined so my Day 5 challenge will include my Easy Banana Bread recipe from Grammy. See below. Can you tell it’s been well-loved??? My Grammy sent this to me when I was in college. Makes me smile!

Also, this recipe only uses one egg and no milk, both of which are currently harder to come by.

Happy Saturday! May it be safe and slow!

Published by Liz

Crazy busy wife, mother of four kids and a cat, employee, friend, amateur chef, and wanna-be crafty person who often times is running around like a chicken with his head cut off.

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