Kitchen Challenge Day 7: The Musical Fruit (AKA Beans)

Beans, beans- The musical fruit. The more you eat, the more you toot. The more you toot, the better you feel. So, eat your beans for every meal. We don’t eat beans every meal but they are a big player in our house and I often make at least a batch once a week. ItContinueContinue reading “Kitchen Challenge Day 7: The Musical Fruit (AKA Beans)”

Kitchen Challenge Day 5: Cook Something with Fruit In It

It’s Saturday and hopefully your week has slowed down now like mine has. I slept a little later, although sleeping late is still about 7:30 or 8 since the littles don’t get the concept yet. I’ll take what I can get. It’s been a great slow day with a nice rain/hail shower to go alongContinueContinue reading “Kitchen Challenge Day 5: Cook Something with Fruit In It”

Days 8 and 9- I’m the energizer bunny that seems to need re-charging

We’re on tail-end of Week 2 of our COVID19 experience with the four kids here.  I’m still going but I feel like I’m starting to run low on batteries at this point.  I’m actually starting to feel more like the wind-up little chicks that a lot of us had as children.  Every day I windContinueContinue reading “Days 8 and 9- I’m the energizer bunny that seems to need re-charging”

Kitchen Challenge Day 3: Make a baked or fried breakfast or snack food you’ve never made

Kitchen Challenge Day 3 is about to begin: Make a baked or fried breakfast or snack food you’ve never made Thursdays at our house used to be “donut day.” I was reminded of this by my kids multiple times last week and I told them the Donut Palace was closed due to COVID19, whether that’sContinueContinue reading “Kitchen Challenge Day 3: Make a baked or fried breakfast or snack food you’ve never made”

Kitchen Challenge Day 2: Use the can or box of food in your pantry that is oldest, but not expired

Like I said yesterday, I’m trying to “think outside the box” as we cook (almost) every meal at our house for the next couple of weeks. Check out Day 1’s post and what I made. Today’s kitchen challenge: Use the can or box of food in your pantry that’s oldest but not expired Let meContinueContinue reading “Kitchen Challenge Day 2: Use the can or box of food in your pantry that is oldest, but not expired”

Winner, Winner, Chicken (Sausage) Dinner

Tonight I did Kitchen Challenge, Day 1:  Use a spice you’ve never used.  My spice choice was marjoram.  I’ll admit that I had no idea what it tasted like.  I actually had to look it up and found out that it is very similar to oregano.  Here’s a great website to learn more about it.ContinueContinue reading “Winner, Winner, Chicken (Sausage) Dinner”

COVID-19 Homeschool Schedule Revised for Week 2- Split for Littles and Bigs

Raise your hand if this new need for homeschooling has been as much of a lesson for you as it has been your kids!  I can’t see you but, if your hand isn’t raised and you’ve been homeschooling this week, you’re probably lying (unless you were already doing it and then you may be laughingContinueContinue reading “COVID-19 Homeschool Schedule Revised for Week 2- Split for Littles and Bigs”

Day 2: COVID-19 Birthday and St Patty’s Day at Home

Day 2 was harder.  Am I the only one that felt like Day 2 was like 2 weeks in?!?  Seems like the days are super long but also fly by at the same time.  I’m finding it’s such a hard balance to work and not feel guilty for giving the offspring my attention when IContinueContinue reading “Day 2: COVID-19 Birthday and St Patty’s Day at Home”

Venison Stroganoff

Yesterday afternoon I had a nice little cat nap, which was fantastic. But then it was already time for dinner. And what was I going to make? That never happens, right?!? I’d already thawed some of the ground deer meat in preparation for prepping a few meals tomorrow so I threw a pound into aContinueContinue reading “Venison Stroganoff”