COVID-19 Our Education at Home Week 4, including Easter Photos to make you smile

If you’d asked me 2 months ago if I’d be at home with my kids EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. for 4 glorious weeks, I probably would’ve laughed at you.  But here I am, rocking it. And if you believe that, you’ll also probably believe me when I say that I’ve been working out everyday and that I amContinueContinue reading “COVID-19 Our Education at Home Week 4, including Easter Photos to make you smile”

Kitchen Challenge Day 3: Make a baked or fried breakfast or snack food you’ve never made

Kitchen Challenge Day 3 is about to begin: Make a baked or fried breakfast or snack food you’ve never made Thursdays at our house used to be “donut day.” I was reminded of this by my kids multiple times last week and I told them the Donut Palace was closed due to COVID19, whether that’sContinueContinue reading “Kitchen Challenge Day 3: Make a baked or fried breakfast or snack food you’ve never made”

Kitchen Challenge- Day 1: Use a spice you’ve never used

If you’re like a good percentage of Americans right now, you may be at home. And you’re likely cooking more than you have in a long time. For me, with four kids and a hubby that loves to eat, we’ve tried our best to keep meals interesting. The food shortage- I hesitate to call itContinueContinue reading “Kitchen Challenge- Day 1: Use a spice you’ve never used”

Texas Travel: Day 2- McDonald Observatory, Marfa, and the Holland Hotel

Day 2 of our West Texas Roadtrip began a little later than the Day 1- both because we were worn out after the long drive and then very full day of hiking and also because we needed to wait until the auto-parts store opened to get a reader on Garen’s truck since the check engineContinueContinue reading “Texas Travel: Day 2- McDonald Observatory, Marfa, and the Holland Hotel”

Texas Travel: Big Bend Day 1

I interrupt your regularly scheduled Graves Academy COVID-19 Home School Schedule to bring you something a little more positive. This past week, during our regularly scheduled Spring Break (and before everything blew up with COVID-19 affecting almost every part of our world), Garen and I took a trip to Big Bend.  It was actually myContinueContinue reading “Texas Travel: Big Bend Day 1”

Photo Friday: Closing Time

The song “Closing Time” reminds me a lot of high school, endings, and new beginnings. Well, today we closed on a new (to us) home and, in a way, it will be a new beginning for our family. We’re super excited to have a little more breathing room and a lot more yard. But…we’re alsoContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Closing Time”

Photo Friday: Longhorn Cavern State Park

Over Christmas break, we made the trip from Hamilton down to Longhorn Cavern State Park.  I’d been there back when Will was still an only child but we didn’t have time to go on the cave tour.  It was one of the Texas Bucket List things that I’d always wanted to check off.  I don’tContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Longhorn Cavern State Park”

Photo Friday: Five Fabulous Years Together

Seriously, folks, has it really been five years that I’ve been married to this wonderful man?!? It’s both flown by and seemed like longer than 5 years.  In some ways, I feel like it was just yesterday we were walking down the isle (and I was about 25 lbs lighter).  In other ways, it seemsContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Five Fabulous Years Together”

Photo Friday: Creepy Crawlers

We kinda like bugs, worms, and all things crawling around here.  Ok, maybe not all things.  Anna and Kate pretty much freak out at the sight of any spiders, while Will and Clara are overly quick to smash the insides out of anything they can. Obviously, these smaller creep crawlers pictured below were taken byContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Creepy Crawlers”