Photo Friday: Closing Time

The song “Closing Time” reminds me a lot of high school, endings, and new beginnings. Well, today we closed on a new (to us) home and, in a way, it will be a new beginning for our family. We’re super excited to have a little more breathing room and a lot more yard. But…we’re alsoContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Closing Time”

Photo Friday: Five Fabulous Years Together

Seriously, folks, has it really been five years that I’ve been married to this wonderful man?!? It’s both flown by and seemed like longer than 5 years.  In some ways, I feel like it was just yesterday we were walking down the isle (and I was about 25 lbs lighter).  In other ways, it seemsContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Five Fabulous Years Together”

Photo Friday: Creepy Crawlers

We kinda like bugs, worms, and all things crawling around here.  Ok, maybe not all things.  Anna and Kate pretty much freak out at the sight of any spiders, while Will and Clara are overly quick to smash the insides out of anything they can. Obviously, these smaller creep crawlers pictured below were taken byContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Creepy Crawlers”

Photo Friday: Willy P, Basketball Star

Will started playing basketball. He’s having a blast. He’s got a great coach and assistant coach and I think he enjoys playing with his teammates even though none of them go to his school. We signed up through the YMCA and I have to say that I’m been pretty impressed with the organization and howContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Willy P, Basketball Star”

Photo Friday: Lovely Louisiana

We were fortunate to have Christmas with the Odom side of our family at Emilie and Brian’s home in Alexandria, LA.  It’s a beautiful place to be.  We got to go do some hiking in a nearby national park.  Although it was cold and a little damp, we all enjoyed it and it was greatContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Lovely Louisiana”

Photo Friday: Family Cruise Vacation 2018 Highlights

As I write this today, I’m recovering (and doing loads and loads of laundry) from our family vacation.  It was fantastic and exhausting.  We started out last Friday roadtripping down to Galveston with the littles (stay tuned for a post on road trips with toddlers), followed by an afternoon at Schlitterbahn in Galveston.  Saturday, weContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Family Cruise Vacation 2018 Highlights”

Photo Friday: Independence Day 2018

We celebrated Independence Day this year with a shrimp boil at Aunt Haley’s House with the Graves family, minus Will and Anna, who were at Joe Daddy’s house for the holiday. Aunt Haley had a sprinkler going, fully loaded bubble guns, and poppers (since we’re in a burn ban, plus two year olds and realContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Independence Day 2018”

Photo Friday: Just Keep Swimming

Since today is officially the beginning of summer in our household, it seems appropriate that I should post these photos from our adventures at the pool last weekend. Summer means swimming, right?!? As you can tell, we had a blast in Mammy and Yaya’s pool. Our little fish loooooove to swim! And Clara almost refusedContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Just Keep Swimming”

Photo Friday: Brownies

Our Girl Scout troop advanced from Daisies to Brownies on Tuesday night with a great bridging ceremony. We’ve got such a fun and unique group of girls and awesome leaders! We’re looking forward to another great year as Brownies! Here’s a few photos I got from Tuesday’s fun. Unfortunately Garen had to stay home withContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Brownies”

Sprinkler Saturday

What do you do when it’s hot outside and you need to keep the troops entertained??? Go outside and play in the sprinkler!!! And Garen got out his fancy lenses to capture a few quick photos. I think they turned out pretty cool, don’t you?!?