Kindness Counts- Our Attempt to use the Carrot vs. Stick to get our four kids to be kind

Although the posts I’ve been posting may seem overly positive, there are lots of moments that everyone is NOT kind to each other.  In fact, sometimes it’s downright ugly.  We finally had a family meeting last night and brainstormed how we can all help each other with kindness.  They like the idea of a chartContinueContinue reading “Kindness Counts- Our Attempt to use the Carrot vs. Stick to get our four kids to be kind”

Day 3: Learning as We Go

Well, we made it another day.  Three.  Three days.  Today was probably the hardest but also the best.  The kids have started to bicker between each other.  Sisterly/brotherly love I guess.  But also, I think we’re starting to get in more of a groove.  Garen and I split our days- him taking the morning shiftContinueContinue reading “Day 3: Learning as We Go”

Day 2: COVID-19 Birthday and St Patty’s Day at Home

Day 2 was harder.  Am I the only one that felt like Day 2 was like 2 weeks in?!?  Seems like the days are super long but also fly by at the same time.  I’m finding it’s such a hard balance to work and not feel guilty for giving the offspring my attention when IContinueContinue reading “Day 2: COVID-19 Birthday and St Patty’s Day at Home”

Our Weekday Schedule for Working at Home with Four Kids (during COVID-19 Pandemic)

As most school districts have, our’s has closed for the next two weeks to help stop the spread of COVID-19.  Our daycare/pre-school has also elected to close, meaning the four kids (11, almost 9, 4, and 4) are at home. I office out of our house when I’m not on the road.  Garen’s company hasContinueContinue reading “Our Weekday Schedule for Working at Home with Four Kids (during COVID-19 Pandemic)”

Photo Friday: Closing Time

The song “Closing Time” reminds me a lot of high school, endings, and new beginnings. Well, today we closed on a new (to us) home and, in a way, it will be a new beginning for our family. We’re super excited to have a little more breathing room and a lot more yard. But…we’re alsoContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Closing Time”

Adventures with Four: Family Cruise Vacation Packing- Part 2: Plan Your Days and Organize to Avoid Overpacking

If you read my first post on packing for a family cruise vacation, you’ll know that overpacking isn’t worth it. Now, we can talk about how to avoid overpacking. It all starts with planning. Here’s a few things to consider as you start the planning process: What is your schedule? What kind of excursions, ifContinueContinue reading “Adventures with Four: Family Cruise Vacation Packing- Part 2: Plan Your Days and Organize to Avoid Overpacking”

Blueberry Crumble Pie with Shortbread Crust

I love blueberries….any way you fix them. Growing up, my Grammy made a lot of blueberry muffins, blueberry cobblers, and, occasionally, a blueberry pie. For quite a few summers in a row, one of my Uncle Mo’s good friends provided a steady supply of fresh blueberries.  Grammy always froze them and we had (almost) freshContinueContinue reading “Blueberry Crumble Pie with Shortbread Crust”

Adventures with Four: Family Cruise Vacation Packing- Part 1: Why not to Overpack

We just got back from a wonderful (and a little exhausting) family cruise vacation.  You can see highlights at my previous post.  If you’ve ever packed for a cruise, you know how easy it is to overpack. This is the first cruise that I can say that I actually didn’t overpack- for me or theContinueContinue reading “Adventures with Four: Family Cruise Vacation Packing- Part 1: Why not to Overpack”

Photo Friday: Family Cruise Vacation 2018 Highlights

As I write this today, I’m recovering (and doing loads and loads of laundry) from our family vacation.  It was fantastic and exhausting.  We started out last Friday roadtripping down to Galveston with the littles (stay tuned for a post on road trips with toddlers), followed by an afternoon at Schlitterbahn in Galveston.  Saturday, weContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Family Cruise Vacation 2018 Highlights”

Photo Friday: Independence Day 2018

We celebrated Independence Day this year with a shrimp boil at Aunt Haley’s House with the Graves family, minus Will and Anna, who were at Joe Daddy’s house for the holiday. Aunt Haley had a sprinkler going, fully loaded bubble guns, and poppers (since we’re in a burn ban, plus two year olds and realContinueContinue reading “Photo Friday: Independence Day 2018”