Days 8 and 9- I’m the energizer bunny that seems to need re-charging

We’re on tail-end of Week 2 of our COVID19 experience with the four kids here.  I’m still going but I feel like I’m starting to run low on batteries at this point.  I’m actually starting to feel more like the wind-up little chicks that a lot of us had as children.  Every day I wind myself up and by the time I’m done, I’m barely even functioning.

Yet, here I am complaining about getting all this time with my kids and about getting to keep working while sooooo many people are now starting to lose their jobs.  I’m feeling very ungrateful around here.  So, my goal for tonight and tomorrow is to recharge.  In true Liz fashion, I’ve made a checklist of what I think I need to do to get back to “somewhat normal Liz.”

  1. Let Garen cook dinner– he offered and I actually said yes.  I can smell the quesadillas cooking as I sit down to start this.  As I type this, I am saying to myself “Go yourself a dang quesadilla!”
  2. Limiting my FaceBook time– it’s eating on me.  Meme’s are funny and there’s lots of good info out there but there’s also lots of depressing stuff and mean, political comments on both side.  Garen thinks its significantly affecting me but I do “need” to be on it some to communicate with teachers since that’s where a lot of info is being distributed.  Plus, I like to keep up a little with friends that way, social being that I am.
  3. Going to be early– and NOT opening FaceBook in bed at all.  Screen free zone.  Just read my book- my actual paper book, which I so enjoy but feel like I “don’t have time for.”
  4. Use my hardback journal/calendar to record things that need to get done everyday for the kids– I’ve got all of the kids’ lessons planned out and everything but we’ve had Zoom meetings, etc. pop up and I’m having a hard time juggling it coming in from different places- FaceBook, Dojo, GroupMe, Text, etc.
  5. Breath and enjoy the little things– the super sweet hug from Clara a few minutes ago before she ran outside to play, Garen offering to make dinner, enjoying homemade donuts with the kids, watching Anna help Kate with her worksheets today…. the list could go on and on.  I need to capture those and let those guide my thoughts more than the negatives.
  6. Spend more time outside– With all of the school work I’m helping the kids with, I tend to take every free moment I can to bang out some emails or make calls for work.  I need to make myself go outside, even if it’s just for 5 minutes, to get some fresh air throughout the day.
  7. Be kind– Y’all, I need to be more kind.  I find myself snapping at my kids and Garen and it makes me feel terrible.  I’m hoping the kindness chart will help me too.

In the meantime, here’s the highlights of our last two days.

Day 7:

  • We had “school” outside in the morning because it was super beautiful. The girls did the letter “N” and worked on numbers 13,14, and 15.
  • Yesterday was DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) for our elementary school
  • Will did his super cool presentation about the state of Idaho and keeping up with his reading of Johnny Tremain
  • Anna wrote and sent an email to her BFF
  • Both kids played on Prodigy and are still loving it.
  • Clara kind of got to Zoom with her class. There were some technical difficulties but it was still super fun for the girls because they sure love Mrs. Natividad!
  • Both kids did a lesson in Imagine Math but aren’t loving it- I guess it can’t all be fun!
  • We all started our kindness counts charts, which we are hoping will be successful.

Day 8:

  • We made donuts together this morning for Kitchen Challenge Day 3.  They were tasty but weren’t really donuts- at least not your typical donuts.  Can you say #PinterestFail???  It was still a hit with the kids- also served as dessert tonight!  This was absolutely the highlight of the morning.
  • Anna was super sweet and helped me do the girls spelling and number worksheets.

  • We were still beating our heads against the wall with math word problems both yesterday and today for Anna but Mom ordered some awesome word problem cards that came in today and so far she’s been super excited about doing them because she gets to use dry erase markers, which I guess makes it more entertaining. Hey, whatever works!
  • Everyone read a lot today again, which makes this mama so happy.
  • Will has been learning lots of card tricks and getting pretty good and entertaining in it. He had math homework he got done today too, in addition to reading his class book. Unfortunately we missed his class’s zoom because I didn’t see the notice in Facebook in time, which made me feel terrible.
  • Kate got to Zoom with her class today. Having 10 pre-k kids on a Zoom meeting is every bit as crazy and hilarious as you can imagine.
  • We enjoyed another great walk/ride around the block today. We’re loving this super nice weather! I happen to think they’re the cutest biker gang ever.

  • We also got to play with paper dolls that MaMa sent to the girls and all learned about Eskimos and Alaska!

Looking at these pictures and highlights of all the fun things we did is a good reminder: CHERISH THE GOOD TIMES! Such GOOD memories we are making amidst the stress and uncertainty.

Stay safe, healthy, and sane, my friends!

Published by Liz

Crazy busy wife, mother of four kids and a cat, employee, friend, amateur chef, and wanna-be crafty person who often times is running around like a chicken with his head cut off.

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