Kitchen Challenge Day 4: Cook one of your grandmother’s recipes

It’s Friday. I’m actually surprised I can remember what day it is in the middle of this COVID19 haze we are all in. However, I remember for one main reason- it’s grocery delivery day at our house.

After my last trip to Kroger, surrounded by everyone else that could not seem to keep their distance, I said I’m not trying that again unless absolutely necessary. So, I placed an order for the first time slot today, with the hopes they’ll be able to fulfill all of it being early in the day. Even with the groceries being delivered, I’m still taking precautions and following the recommendations in this video, which I think is very helpful for how to handle groceries and takeout.

Speaking of food, today’s Kitchen Challenge Day 4:

Cook one of your Grandmother’s recipes

We told the kids of this and they’ve requested “Glace,” which my Grammy used to always make. I’ll post the recipe sometime in the next day or so. It’s a super unhealthy combination of dumplings swimming in butter and sour cream. Great for comfort food, much like our attempt at donuts yesterday!

Happy Friday everyone!  I’d love to see what your favorite family recipes are!

Published by Liz

Crazy busy wife, mother of four kids and a cat, employee, friend, amateur chef, and wanna-be crafty person who often times is running around like a chicken with his head cut off.

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