Day 2: COVID-19 Birthday and St Patty’s Day at Home

Day 2 was harder.  Am I the only one that felt like Day 2 was like 2 weeks in?!?  Seems like the days are super long but also fly by at the same time.  I'm finding it's such a hard balance to work and not feel guilty for giving the offspring my attention when IContinue reading "Day 2: COVID-19 Birthday and St Patty’s Day at Home"

Day 1: COVID-19 Homeschool Begins

We survived Day 1.  Or at least until 5:45ish, which is when I had a few minutes while the kids play happily (for the most part) and Garen is cooking dinner.  You may have missed my post from yesterday about our COVID-19 schedule.  Since I posted that, I've seen a lot of posts joking aboutContinue reading "Day 1: COVID-19 Homeschool Begins"

Our Weekday Schedule for Working at Home with Four Kids (during COVID-19 Pandemic)

As most school districts have, our's has closed for the next two weeks to help stop the spread of COVID-19.  Our daycare/pre-school has also elected to close, meaning the four kids (11, almost 9, 4, and 4) are at home. I office out of our house when I'm not on the road.  Garen's company hasContinue reading "Our Weekday Schedule for Working at Home with Four Kids (during COVID-19 Pandemic)"

Photo Friday: Closing Time

The song "Closing Time" reminds me a lot of high school, endings, and new beginnings. Well, today we closed on a new (to us) home and, in a way, it will be a new beginning for our family. We're super excited to have a little more breathing room and a lot more yard. But...we're alsoContinue reading "Photo Friday: Closing Time"

Photo Friday: Longhorn Cavern State Park

Over Christmas break, we made the trip from Hamilton down to Longhorn Cavern State Park.  I'd been there back when Will was still an only child but we didn't have time to go on the cave tour.  It was one of the Texas Bucket List things that I'd always wanted to check off.  I don'tContinue reading "Photo Friday: Longhorn Cavern State Park"

Mommy Review Monday: Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never-Ending Battle with Stuff

Every year I set goals for myself at the beginning of the year.  Original, right??? One of my goals this year (and, honestly, the last probably 10 years) is to declutter.  However, we're in the process of potentially closing on a new (to us) home.  With that, we will likely be selling the home we'reContinue reading "Mommy Review Monday: Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never-Ending Battle with Stuff"

Photo Friday: Five Fabulous Years Together

Seriously, folks, has it really been five years that I've been married to this wonderful man?!? It's both flown by and seemed like longer than 5 years.  In some ways, I feel like it was just yesterday we were walking down the isle (and I was about 25 lbs lighter).  In other ways, it seemsContinue reading "Photo Friday: Five Fabulous Years Together"

Crafting with Will: Origami Hat/Boat/Snapper

Will woke up this morning and immediately started making Origami. He is super crafty like that....especially when grounded from electronics. Funny how that works. I asked asked him if he wanted to make a video to show others how to do his current favorite project and he was all about it! I think he didContinue reading "Crafting with Will: Origami Hat/Boat/Snapper"

Photo Friday: Creepy Crawlers

We kinda like bugs, worms, and all things crawling around here.  Ok, maybe not all things.  Anna and Kate pretty much freak out at the sight of any spiders, while Will and Clara are overly quick to smash the insides out of anything they can. Obviously, these smaller creep crawlers pictured below were taken byContinue reading "Photo Friday: Creepy Crawlers"

My Funny Valentine

Wow, guys..... What. A. Week. It's been one for the record books. There were Valentine's Day school parties, Garen on the road two days, getting ready for helping with decorations for the school dance, and more "real work" than I can shake a stick at. And then the weekend full of laundry, washing and puttingContinue reading "My Funny Valentine"